Travel Guide

At a quick Glance...
Best time to visit: November – February. Average minimum temperature: 23 C. Average maximum temperature: 32 C. Average rainfall: 12.47mm. February is the driest month of the year with 2mm of rainfall and 28 sunny days.
How long to stay: 3-5 days
Language: Thai, English
Currency: Thai Baht (1 GBP = 43.84 THB)
Transport: Download the ‘Bolt‘ app for quick pick ups at cheap prices with lots of drivers available. ‘InDrive‘ app used by locals with a bidding like process to select driver at desire price.
Things you should know before travelling: ATM machines charge X fee when withdrawing money.
Places to Eat
Kuala Lumpur is a melting pot of different cultures which is evident in their cuisine with strong Indian, Chinese and Malay influences - you definitely won't be disappointed by the variety of food available!

Things to Do
Kuala Lumpur is a melting pot of different cultures which is evident in their cuisine with strong Indian, Chinese and Malay influences - you definitely won't be disappointed by the variety of food available!