Travel Guide

At a quick Glance...
Best time to visit: November – February. Average minimum temperature: 23 C. Average maximum temperature: 32 C. Average rainfall: 12.47mm. February is the driest month of the year with 2mm of rainfall and 28 sunny days.
How long to stay: 3-5 days
Language: Thai, English
Currency: Thai Baht (1 GBP = 43.84 THB)
Transport: Download the ‘Bolt‘ app for quick pick ups at cheap prices with lots of drivers available. ‘InDrive‘ app used by locals with a bidding like process to select driver at desire price.
Things you should know before travelling: ATM machines charge X fee when withdrawing money.
Places to Eat
Kuala Lumpur is a melting pot of different cultures which is evident in their cuisine with strong Indian, Chinese and Malay influences - you definitely won't be disappointed by the variety of food available!

Things to Do
Although Phuket is an island, there is a vast range of things you can do from enjoying the beautiful beaches with clear waters, strolling through the historical Old Town, visiting the spectacular temples as well as interacting with wildlife such as elephants and tigers.